Thursday, May 6, 2010


Conclusions I've made:

1. I will never get tired of dancing in my room with my sister.
2. My dad will never realize how awfully he treats the people around him.
3. I'm the most paranoid driver/passenger you will ever meet.
4. I love my friends more than humanly possible.
5. Jackson is the boy for me. without a doubt.
6. As much as I complain about Starbucks, its actually the best job I could have ever hoped for.
7. I am unhappy with my size so when I buy clothes I go into depressed mode and buy clothes that are way to insanely big for me.
8. I'm smarter than I allow myself to realize.
9. I'm going to be a great parent and wife someday, despite my upbringing.
10. I wear my emotions on my sleeve at all the wrong times, and hide them when I should be letting them out.
11. Acoustic music. is. love.

That is all for now.


  1. I love you. you are such a smartie

  2. you are so precious harley and not only that but you are beautiful. i hope you know that lady, b/c it's true. :)
