Thursday, April 22, 2010

April Showers.

Another day, another lesson learned. I've been learning a lot about myself these days. Some good and some bad. But at the end of the day, when I'm laying in my bed I know that one thing is the same. That there is one thing in this world that will always be holding me up, protecting me, and making me stronger. And that one thing is Jesus. There are days when I completely lose sight of that and I go to sleep thinking that my life will never been what I want it to be. The right there is the most selfish kind of thinking. Inward thinking, only thinking of how the world around you is benefiting you instead of lifting everything you have and everything that you are to God. I owe everything to him. I wouldn't be who I am today if I hadn't given my life over to Christ. I know this probably sounds like a bunch of rambling, in fact, thats just what it is. But acknowledging all that He has done for me is a very humbling feeling. I hope I've inspired someone out there to take a minute to thank God for everything we have in our lives, to not want what we don't have but be grateful for what we do, and if not then at least I have said it myself.

Thank you God for all that you are.

Sweet Dreams World.

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