Hello Bloggy Blog.
You are in luck. I have lots on my mind tonight. You know what that means?????? YES YES YES! It means I'm going to ramble on here for a good 10 min.
Here I go. For the past ohhhhhhhh 20 years I have shared a room with my sister and today marks the day that this has changed! MUAHAHAHAHA! Finally. I love having my own room, playing the music I want, having all my clothes neatly put away. It has been a good day. But when going into my room I remember exactly why I always loved having a room with her....... I hate being lonely. I always knew we would be in there together and now as I sit here in my room all alone I constantly wonder where she is and what shes doing and think about how I want her to come hang out with me. hahahaha. Man, this is sad. Oh well, its true.
In other news, my boyfwend was chosen recently to sing gang vocals on an album for Terror (a hardcore band from LA). He was stoked beyond belief and I was quite proud of him. Not to mention Chad Gilbert of NFG was there and he for sure talked to him!!!!! Ummmm jealous much!!!! I think so!!!!! Which is basically like meeting Hayley from Paramore considering Chad and Hayley are dating and the cutest couple on the planet. so. freakin. awesome. Needless to say my boyfriend is awesome and gets to do awesome things. all the time. My advice to my bf, start bringing me along foolio!!! I wanna do cool things too!!!! hehe.
Speaking of that delightful boy, he is always telling me about his new ideas for tattoos he wants. Which in turn makes me want them, vedy vedy badly. Like I want to go right now and get all tatted up. And one day I will. Mmmmmmm, I love tats.
2 exams tomorrow, then work on friday, then el novio arrives.
I love you, Internet. For listening to me. You get me. Loves.